Monday, August 23, 2010

Why Do I Still Care? ~Intro~

Why Do I Still Care?
~Intro~ Welcome to the intro of Why Do I Still Care? This is just gonna be introducing the characters and showing the house and stuffs. This will hopefully be a better version of the story I wrote on that I had to stop because of a computer crash. I hope you enjoy and remember this will get better as this is only the intro.
This is my home, nice, right? We bought it last year a while before my parents anniversary... That was before everything started happening with my mom. But I'm getting ahead of myself here....

This is me, Juno Larkson. No, I'm not named after the movie Juno, that came out years after I was born. I'm named after the Roman Goddess, Juno. She is supposed to be really beautiful and really mean and jealous. Well, I'm none of those things. I'm very pudgy and I have an ugly face, but, like most other gothic people, I love the environment, but I typically avoid people and I'm definately not jealous even though I have a terrible life.

These are my parents. They look happy, right. Well, that's what they were like. Now it's everything they can do to keep from fighting 24/7. I think I'm the only thing left that's holding them together. I'm like permanent glue that doesn't even have a solvent and it binds them together permanently. Even if I dropped dead they still wouldn't be free of eachother...

Sooo. Here is my mom. I look nothing like her. Obviously she is very beautiful, but I'm ugly. She is also the town slut and I don't know why. She has probably been with every man in this town even some married men. So it's pretty self-explanitory why I hate her...

Here is my dad. He is very kind to my mother but whenever she does the tiniest thing, he blows a gasket. Imagine how bad the arguements are when he cathes her in bed with a stranger. One time he even caught her with his best friend. Another time, he caught her with a woman... Why the hell hasn't he left her yet?

Last but not least, this is my bedroom. This is the place where I escape everything that's wrong with my life. The only thing it doesn't block out is their arguments and the noises of my mother banging a new person...

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed! I will get the next chapter out soon. Please comment and tell me what you think. I worked really hard on this so thanks in advance to anyone who comments.

1 comment:

  1. I accidentally posted a comment on your note that I meant to post here. Read it there cuz I'm too lazy to post it again.
