Friday, October 29, 2010

Life Goes On: Chapter Four

Life Goes On: Chapter Four
1 year after Nick's 'death'.......
Nick's Point of View.
I finally awoke after what I judged to be several days of that stupid drug induced coma. I dreamed of a woman with flowing black hair and jade eyes, and a little girl, I judge to be about 12 or 13 years of age who has brown hair, freckles, and bright blue eyes concealed by thickly framed glasses. The woman was beautiful and the girl was too, and I couldn't help but feeling that I knew them from somewhere. Were they from my past, I'm not sure.All of a sudden, the door opened and my new nurse, at least I think she's new, but who knows, walked into the room."How are you, sir?" she asked proddingly."I'm fine, but can you tell me how long I've been out for this time?""Oh, I'm brand new, so I'm not exactly sure, but the doctor told me about a year.""A year! Oh my god! I must have been really bad then. Hey wait a minute! I can talk! I know for a fact that when I went into this coma I couldn't talk." "Good for you," crooned the nurse a bit unenthusiasticly, "You seem really familiar to me...... Nick!?"
Elena's Point of View.
"Come down for breakfast," I shouted to Jess and George who were upstairs. George is my new husband, well, not exactly new, but new enough.... if you consider 3 months of marriage new. It was a really tough time for me after Nick's death, but George helped me get through it. He has been great to Jess too. She even calls him daddy now, and sometimes it's hard for me to hear her say that, but then I just remind myself that Nick is gone for good, and he will never come back to hear her call George 'daddy' or see me kiss him. After all, Nick would have wanted me to move on anyway.... right? "STOP!" I warned myself. I have a wonderful life, and I shouldn't keep having these doubts and feelings that Nick wouldn't want this for me! I'm pregnant for crying put loud.... pregnant.... pregnant....... just thinking the word plasters a huge grin on my face. Just then George stepped through the kitchen, looking very handsome in his khaki buisness suit.
"Morning sweetheart," he yawned sleepily as he kissed my cheek and rubbed my belly gently.
"Hello, love," I replied gently as he took his seat at the table and Jess bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen, "and hello Jessica, darling."
"Hi mommy," Jess announced as she came up and hugged me, taking her seat at the table, "and hello Geo.... I mean daddy. Sorry, I forget sometimes."
"Jess, I don't need you to call me 'daddy' nor do I want it, I will never take your father's place and I never hope to. Just be a good girl and eat breakfast, I'm taking you to school today as your mom has to go to work as soon as she finishes breakfast."
"Ummm.... Actually hon," I said shamefully, "I already ate, I just called you two down to say goodbye before I go to work."
"Oh. Ok," George replied as I grabbed my jacket and walked down the hallway to the front door."I'll see you guys later. Love you both. Oh and dinner is in the fridge. It's casseorle; just put it in the oven at 450 degrees for 15 minutes."
"Bye!" both Jess and George said at the same time, this of course, caused Jess to giggle. Gently closing the door, I eased my way into the car, thinking of how good my life is now and how much I love Jess and George...
I'm sorry I skipped like a year of the story and that this isn't my best chapter. I think it's the longest chapter so far though. Sorry I haven't written for a while, but I have been really busy with school and friends. I hope you enjoyed this and please comment.

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